Project Two Progress & Ideation: CNC Router Project - Portraits

3 min readNov 2, 2020


Brainstorming & Ideation

Initial File Work

I think this will be approximately by 3x3 ft on plywood with some laser cut works over it that will create a place to hold lights. There will be beading that will be worked through the laser cut parts in order for the light to move through the different spaces. The inner shape will be a pocket cut and then the outer will a profile cut.

First Cut

Assembly & Process Photos

Attempting to minimize the bubbles from the industrial type resin
First set of lights

Final Assembly and Finished Product

This shot is so upsetting because it was my first time using resin. The resin kind of curdled and rested is different places. The paint under it shifted even though it was dry for three days. I really do love the shape and the high gloss finish. If I had more time i would sand it down and redo the resin. Probably, layer the orange/pink paint and use spray paint instead of bulky acrylic.

This shot is upsetting because I had put in another set of lights around the black shape inside the legs and I knew after this photo that there were not visible. I’m unsure if it is because of the size of the lights or because the back ground was black rather than reflective like the green is under the blue lights. Either way I think I’d sand it down and remove the second pair of lights because it makes it more clumpy that it needs to be.

I love this photo. I realized through this process that this was certainly something that I needed much more refine skills and more thorough planning. My budget for this project definitely exceeded what I had originally planned for so that was also a limiting favor. Both sets of lights are on in this photo so the second string of LEDs didn’t work as I’d hoped. However, I really love the silhouette and this was a really excited and impactful learning experience.

